Reboulia hemisphaerica

Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi (Aytoniaceae)

Distinguishing Features

Reboulia hemisphaerica is a complex thalloid liverwort found throughout the region with a characteristically purple and scalloped margin on an otherwise plaintive green dichotomizing thallus that grows up to 4 cm long and less than 1 cm wide. A 4 or 5 lobed carpocephalum up to 3 cm tall borne on a long stalk hairy at both its base and tip sits atop the thallus in front of a flat lying, darkened pad filled with antheridia. On non-fertile plants, look for simple pores on the upper surface and two rows of round purple scales on the underside, the edges of which are adorned with 2 elongate, tooth-like spurs (see photo).

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